Tag Rugby

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On Wednesday afternoon our Year 5 and 6 children competed in our first in-house tag rugby tournament. There was a buzz of excitement on the school field as the Gara Greens, Lannacombe Lemons, Beesands Blues and Slapton Scarlets warmed up and discussed tactics. With two pitches set up we were able to play 2 matches simultaneously, ensuring that all children were playing at all times. We had 3 closely contested rounds, each team pitting their wits against each other. After much adding up, the results were in: Beesands Blues and Lannacombe Lemons tied in joint third with 7 points each and Gara Greens and Slapton Scarlets were our eventual winners, tying for first place with 11 points each. Congratulations to our winners and a tremendous “Well done” to all of the children who participated - they had an amazing time and left school tired, muddy and in high spirits.