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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2024 to 2025 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name

Stokenham Area Primary School

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)




Date this statement was published

December 2024

Date on which it will be reviewed

December 2025

Statement authorised by

Tess Coulthard

Pupil premium lead

Victoria Page

Governor / Trustee lead

Joshua Garton

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)

£ 0

Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

At Stokenham Area Primary School, it is our intent to ensure our curriculum is inclusive so that all children, regardless of background or need, may achieve to their full potential. We use our pupils premium funding to improve educational and pastoral outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in our school. Our disadvantaged children can face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and we ensure barriers are identified early. All members of staff and the governing body accept responsibility for disadvantaged pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within a caring and nurturing environment.

Our ultimate objective for our disadvantaged pupils is that they may achieve in-line with those pupils not eligible for pupil premium funding nationally and that on-entry barriers may be reduced whilst pupils progress through our school. For some children this may not be aspirational enough, particularly for those disadvantaged pupils who are more able. It is important that the starting points for each individual are taken note of along with their potential in order to ensure even greater gains in their learning for these children.

In order to do this, we aim to do the following:

  • Ensure all staff, have sufficient understanding of the needs of the children to be able to deliver a curriculum which successfully meets their needs. In particular, as the acquisition of language is a specific barrier for our disadvantaged children, we aim for all staff to have sufficient training to deliver the phonics scheme effectively.
  • Ensure reading practise in Reception and KS1 develops children’s vocabulary and reading skills which include; decoding, prosody and comprehension.  Whole class reading sessions in KS2 continue to develop these skills.
  • Ensure our reading resources (Little Wandle and Accelerated Reader) are used to their best effect to ensure greater progress in reading. 
  • Ensure all staff receive CPD necessary to deliver high quality first teaching in reading and in a broad and balanced curriculum. 
  • Ensure that phonics interventions are in place to support early reading following Little Wandle assessment points.
  • Provide extra-curricular opportunities – provision of outdoor and residential  opportunities.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Weaker language and communication skills

Assessments, observations, and discussions with pupils indicate a language and vocabulary gap between children in every cohort.  These are evident from Reception through to KS2 and in general, is more prevalent among our disadvantaged pupils than their peers. This negatively impacts their acquisition and understanding of vocabulary and their understanding of reading.


Lower attainment on entry to the Early Years Foundation Stage in all areas but particularly understanding, listening and attention, Literacy and Mathematics. 

Children are working below age related expectation on entry to Reception and despite making accelerated progress, do not meet the following KPIs: Maintains attention, concentrates and sits quietly during appropriate activity and listens attentively in a range of situations (ELG).


Parental engagement and support for reading at home

Assessment, observations and internal school data (both internal and historic) of pupils indicate a lack of reading time at home. This is evident from Reception through KS1 and KS2 and in general, is more prevalent among our disadvantaged pupils than their peers.

In 2023, 92.3% of disadvantaged children report that no one reads with them at home.  38.5% report that they do not read at home 3 times a week.


Disadvantaged pupils do not maintain positive attitudes to reading and develop pleasure in reading having a detrimental effect on academic progress in reading

Only 7.7% of disadvantaged children are read to at home.  This is evidenced through the Pupil Premium pupil voice surveys.


Lower attainment for disadvantaged children in writing

Internal assessments indicate that attainment in writing among disadvantaged children is below that of non-disadvantaged pupils.


Lower resilience and poor self - regulation

Our assessments, observations and discussions with pupils and families have identified social and emotional issues for many pupils, notably lower resilience and/or poor self-regulation among our disadvantaged pupils.


Attendance and punctuality issues

Our attendance data over the last 3 years indicates that attendance among some disadvantaged pupils has been lower than for non-disadvantaged pupils. This gap is narrowing and we would like to maintain and improve on this for our disadvantaged pupils.


Complex family situations

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium have on average experienced more adverse childhood experiences.


Accumulation of skills and experiences needed to improve social capital and life aspirations

In 2023, 61.6% of Pupil Premium children did not have aspirations to continue to further education.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Improved language and communication skills for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium.


Pupils in all year groups who are eligible for Pupil Premium make rapid progress by the end of KS2 so that all pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium meet age related expectations at least.

Children leaving EYFS will be assessed as on track unless a SEND need is identified. 

During pupil conferencing and lesson observations pupils are observed as having a breadth of vocabulary that reflects their experiences and children will be observed to connect ideas orally and explain what is happening coherently.

Higher rates of progress across EYFS especially in understanding,  listening and attention especially  in the following KPIs: Literacy, reading, writing, numbers and numerical patterns.

Pupils identified as Pupil Premium make as much progress as non-PP peers across EYFS and those who are identified as Low Prior Attaining make accelerated progress. Progress will be visible in learning walks, lesson observations and in learning journeys/ Tapestry.

During observations, pupils will be observed to be concentrating and listening attentively. By the end of EYFS, all PP pupils will have achieved these KPIs unless a SEND need has been identified.

Increased parental engagement and support from home.


Increase in the number of parents of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium attending parent/carer evenings. 

All Pupil Premium pupils will increase how much they read at home.

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium maintain positive attitudes to reading and develop pleasure in reading.

100% of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium will achieve these two KPIs from Year 1 to Year 6 unless there is a SEN need causing a barrier to reaching potential.

Narrow the attainment gap for disadvantaged children in writing


Pupils in all year groups who are eligible for Pupil Premium make rapid progress by the end of KS2 so that all pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium meet age related expectations at least.

Increase resilience and self – regulation leading to improved wellbeing


Sustained high levels of wellbeing demonstrated by:

Qualitative data from student voice and teacher observations show an increase in the number of children who attend extra-curricular activities.

For those children who have poor mental wellbeing or adverse childhood experiences funded eco-therapy sessions will be provided.

Increased attendance rates and punctuality for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium

Reduce the number of persistent absentees among pupils eligible for PP.

Families identified as having complex family issues are supported through a multi-agency approach.


Parent voice will be captured and pupil progress will not be affected by adverse childhood experiences. 

PP pupils with complex family situations will be supported and will meet at least ARE by the end of the academic year.

Pupil Premium pupils to accumulate the skills and experiences needed to improve social capital and life aspirations

Every KS2 PP pupil will attend a residential visit/ trip.  Every KS1 child will attend an offsite school trip.

All pupils will be entitled to a number of offsite visits to the local environment including trips to the beach and the church.

Pupil Premium children will be offered a family allowance so that they are funded to attend the trips. 

Pupil Premium children will be offered to learn a musical instrument through a funded space with a peripatetic teacher.


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £10,000.00


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Implementation of phonics

Continue to develop the implementation and best practice of Little Wandle to secure stronger phonics teaching for all pupils.

In addition to a proportion of the licensing costs, we will fund teacher release time to carry out CPD and assessment and a teaching assistant given time for catch up covering Reception and Year 1


Phonics approaches have a strong evidence base that indicates a positive impact on the accuracy of word reading (though not necessarily comprehension), particularly for disadvantaged pupils.

Source: EEF Teaching & Learning Toolkit

Phonics is an important component in the development of early reading skills. When embedded in a rich literacy environment, research suggests that phonics is particularly beneficial for younger learners (4−7 year olds) as they begin to read. Teaching phonics is more effective on average than other approaches to early reading.

Source: Education Endowment Fund, Phonics

Teaching and Learning Toolkit | EEF  (

Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2 | EEF  (

Choosing a phonics teaching programme - GOV.UK (



Enhance our Writing teaching curriculum planning

Funded CPD through Devon Education Services to develop the planning and delivery of the Book Writes teaching sequences.

Develop a strategic team of writing leads with release time to develop staff’s knowledge and understanding as well as quality assure the teaching and learning taking place.

Giving every child the skills they need to read and write well is a central ambition of our education system. The importance of literacy extends beyond its crucial role in enabling learning across the curriculum. Literacy matters in countless aspects of daily life—throughout the life course— and it significantly influences the opportunities that children and adults have available to them.


Source: EEF improving literacy in KS2




Additional staff training and CPD opportunities,  aimed at improving  quality first teaching and provision for all pupils.

Little Wandle,

Maths Hub project

Developing Reasoning

Tom Sherrington – WalkThrus

Devon Education Services


 EEF Guide to Pupil Premium Point 3:  Quality teaching helps every child

Feedback from staff show staff feel CPD had a positive impact on their quality of teaching.

Teaching and Learning Toolkit | EEF  (

Responsive Teaching – Improving Teaching

Assessment and feedback | EEF  




Enhance our maths teaching and curriculum planning.

We will fund teacher release time to embed key elements of DfE and EEF guidance in school and to access Maths Hub resources and CPD.


Maths NCETM Planning


Developing Reasoning


Sustaining Mastery



The DfE non-statutory guidance has been produced in conjunction with the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, drawing on evidence-based approaches: Maths_guidance_KS_1_and_2.pdf (


 The EEF guidance is based on a range of the best available evidence: Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3






WALKTHRU CPD and Incremental coaching


Ongoing CPD and coaching to support the teaching of our knowledge curriculum. We will fund teacher release to allow subject leaders to develop and ensure high quality teaching of their subject across all key stages.

We have looked at the capacity of staff within the school and recognise that we need to release staff to be able to support less experienced teachers and to ensure that the newly structured curriculum is implemented effectively.


Source: Education Endowment Fund Guide to Pupil Premium – tiered approach – teaching is the top priority, including CPD.



Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £10,000.00


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Targeted reading


Small group targeted support including reading comprehension, high frequency words, Phonic support (keep up and rapid catch up) through Little Wandle.


Accelerated reader for KS2.

Fluent readers can read quickly, accurately and with appropriate intonation. Fluent reading supports comprehension as cognitive resources are freed from word recognition to comprehending the text.


Source: Education Endowment Fund, Improving Literacy in KS2


Targeted Mathematics


Additional maths sessions, to develop core maths understanding. We will fund the time required for a trained and experienced teaching assistant to pre-teach and fill gaps in knowledge and understanding.

Mastering Number Bolt on

Number Sense Maths

Timetable Fluency

Tuition targeted at specific needs and knowledge gaps can be an effective method  to support low attaining pupils or those falling behind.

Source: EEF Teaching & Learning Toolkit



Academic mentor and tuition

There is extensive evidence supporting the impact of high quality one to one and small group tuition as a catch-up strategy.  To be most effective, creating a three-way relationship between tutor, teacher and pupils is essential, ensuring that tuition is guided  by the school, linked to the curriculum and focused on the areas  where pupils would most benefit from additional practice or  feedback.


Source: EEF Small Group Tuition





Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £3460.00


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s)


School Attendance Improvement


Embedding principles of good practice set out in the DfE’s Improving School Attendance advice.

This will include training and release time of mentors to work with children and families to improve attendance.

Investment into the school attendance improvement officer.

Evidence shows that pupils with an attendance of 95% or less do not achieve as well academically as peers with an attendance of over 95%.

Source: Framework for securing full attendance actions for schools


The DfE guidance has been informed by engagement with schools that have significantly  reduced levels of absence and persistent  absence.,early%20and%20help%20set%20targets



Extra-curricular activities and curriculum enrichment


Memorable experiences including music lessons, access to residential visits and outdoor learning.


The DfE states (in Using pupil premium:  guidance for school leaders) that you should also develop an understanding of any non academic challenges that pupils are facing that  are negatively affecting their education and  impact their access to teaching, for example: ∙ wellbeing, mental health and  safeguarding concerns access to technology and educational  materials.



Targeted counselling,  access to Eco-Therapist/Art Therapist to   develop pupils social and  emotional skills.


There is extensive evidence associating  childhood social and emotional skills with  improved outcomes at school and in later life  (e.g., improved academic performance,  attitudes, behaviour and relationships with  peers):





Total budgeted cost: £ 23,460.00

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

KS2 SATs Data 2024


3 children

33.3% per child








The results above show the outcomes for the statutory assessments for the 2023-2024 academic year.

From 2023-2024, following the implementation of quality first teaching of synthetic phonics in EYFS and KS1, children made rapid progress regardless of their starting points. 



2 children

2022 to 2023

2 children

2023 to 2024











The progress scores from KS1 SATs 


1 Child

2022 to 2023

1 child

2023 to 2024










2022 to 2023

In the 2022-23 academic year the outcomes in reading, writing and maths in Year 3 improved with 75% of pupil premium children reaching the expected standard.  Year 4 saw the attainment gap significantly narrow in reading with 80% of pupil premium children reaching the expected grade in reading. Across Year 3 and Year 4 the identified area to develop as a result of the end of year data is Maths.  As a result, for the academic year 23-24 Year 3 and 4 are moving across to NCETM maths and implementing Number Sense Maths.

Year 5 and 6 maths was a success with rapid improvement. 100% of Year 5 Pupil Premium achieved expected standard. 83.3% of Year 6 Pupil Premium children reached expected standard.

Our assessments and observations indicate that pupils’ wellbeing and mental health continue to be impacted for our disadvantaged pupils. We are therefore expanding our programmes to provide weekly therapy sessions offering support for those children with identified needs.

2023 to 2024

In the 2023-2024 academic year outcomes in EYFS remained strong with 100% of our pupil premium children reaching the expected standard by the end of the year. 

Reading in Key Stage One has been a strength since the investment in Little Wandle with 100% of our pupil premium children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 reaching expected standard by the end of the year.

In Lower Key Stage Two there has been an increase in the number of pupil premium children reaching the expected standard in Maths, with an increase of 26.6%.  This year we have invested in extra CPD in Year 3 and 4 to embed the NCETM Maths curriculum.

In Upper Key Stage Two our Maths results for Pupil Premium improved, 100% of our Pupil Premium children reached the expected standard in KS2 Maths SATs.

Our wellbeing and mental health programmes continue to support our Pupil Premium children who need further support through weekly therapy sessions. 


Our attendance is monitored monthly, including Pupil Premium children.  We have worked closely with our Attendance Improvement Officer to improve attendance rates as well as communicate more rapidly with parents as soon as there is an authorised absence or persistent absentee.  We have a Federation attendance lead who is putting in place the recommendations from the DFE’s attendance guidance.

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England



Little Wandle

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds

Language Link

SpeechLink Multimedia Ltd

Sonar Tracker for Data Analysis

Juniper Education

Accelerated Reader






Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?

Money was allocated and contributed towards the following provisions:

Academic support. Pupils in need of intervention within this group were targeted and supported as needed.

Monetary contributions to enrichment activities such as residentials, music lessons

What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?

Upon analysis of internal data, all service pupils achieved as expected in our internal assessments (comprising NfER assessments, teacher assessment and SATs data). This will continue to be monitored to ensure all pupils continue to achieve as expected.

Teacher feedback commented on positive wellbeing amongst service children.