Year 2
Stokenham Area Primary School
Outline Planning for Spring Term 2025 Year 2
The focus for this term is an introduction to multiplication and division structures and the properties of 2D and 3D shape. The children will continue to practice their 2x, 5x and 10x tables.
We will be looking at writing narratives. The children will be looking at two fiction texts – Bonkers about Beetroot and Mixed-up Fairy tales.
We will build upon the children’s existing skills and help them to improve their punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting, in particular letter formation and size. There will be weekly spelling tests and guided reading sessions for each child so please ensure your child is reading every night and practise their spellings for every Friday. It is essential that all children should come to their guided reading sessions fully prepared.
In the first half of the term, the children will be looking at Living things and their habitats. They will be exploring and comparing the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive and identifying that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.
In the second half of the term, we will be looking at Animals including humans. They will be noticing that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults, finding out about and describing the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air) and describing the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Our topic this term is ‘Our Wonderful World’. The children will:
- Identify and name continents
- Identify and name relevant continents and oceans
- Identify and name most of the wonders of the world
- Use atlases, maps and globes
- Correctly use key geographical vocabulary
Our topic is ‘Queen Victoria – How did Britain change during the Victoria’s lifetime. The children will find out:
- Victoria’s childhood
- When she became Queen
- Victorian society
- Factories
- Victorian childhood
- How Britain had changed by the time of her death
This term we will be looking at ‘Expressive painting’. They will be researching different artists, experimenting with colour mixing and using different brush strokes. They will be drawing and creating collages of still life, observing shapes and colour.
Design Technology
In the second half of the term the children will be focusing on ‘Sliders and Levers’. The children will be looking at cards and books with moving parts and finding out which parts of the picture moves and what makes the parts move. They will then be designing their own card with moving parts.
We will be looking at the unit ‘Robot algorithms’ in the first half term. The children will be:
- Describing a series of instructions as a sequence
- explaining what happens when we change the order of instructions
- using logical reasoning to predict the outcome of a program
- explaining that programming projects can have code and artwork
- designing an algorithm
- creating and debugging a program that I have written
In the second half term, they will be looking at the unit ‘Pictogram’. They will be:
- recognising that we can count and compare objects using tally charts
- recognising that objects can be represented as pictures
- creating a pictogram
- selecting objects by attribute and making comparisons
- recognising that people can be described by attributes
- explain that we can present information using a computer
In the first half of the term, we will be focusing on Christianity: God – What do Christians believe God is like?
They will be:
- Identifying what a parable is.
- Telling the story of the Lost Son from the Bible simply and recognising a link with the Christian idea of God as a forgiving Father.
- Giving clear, simple accounts of what the means to Christians.
- Giving at least two examples of a way in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving.
- Giving an example of how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship.
In the second half of the term, we will be focusing on Judaism – Who is Jewish and how do they live? We will be:
- Recognising the words of the Shema as a Jewish prayer.
- Retelling simply some stories used in Jewish celebrations.
- Giving examples of how the stories used in celebrations remind Jews about what God is like.
- Giving examples of how Jewish people celebrate special times.
- Making links between Jewish ideas of God found in the stories and how people live.
- Giving an example of how some Jewish people might remember God in different ways.
We will be focusing on Rock Music in the first half term and Classical composition in the second half term. The children will be identifying features of different genres of music, looking at beat, pulse, rhythm, playing tuned and untuned instruments.
In the first half term we will be focusing on gymnastics. This unit of work will challenge pupils to explore different ways that they can link movements and balances together. Pupils will apply 'champion gymnastics’ and be able to perform a sequence on apparatus focused on; jumps, rolls and balances.
In the second half term we will be focusing on Ball skills – racquets, bats and balls. The focus of the learning is for pupils to refine their understanding of how they can use their hitting (striking) skills to send the ball into space in order to win a game.
Pupils will refine this understanding of why in certain games, hitting into space is essential in order to score points against the opposing team.
This term the children will be focusing on ‘Living in the wider world’.
The children will be looking at belonging to a community focusing on roles and responsibilities; being the same and different in the community. They will be looking at Media Literacy and digital resilience focusing on the Internet in everyday life; online content and information and Money and work, looking at what money is; needs and wants and looking after money.
We ask you to continue to support your child’s learning by listening to your child read his/her book every night and also recommend that you enjoy reading and discussing a longer, high-quality text to your child, especially if s/he is still developing reading fluency.
We aim to have learned the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the year and will be asking children to practise these at home.
Mrs. Prescott
This Year’s Curriculum
Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map
If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.