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Year 1

Stokenham Area Primary School

Outline Planning for the Summer Term 2024 Year 1

Welcome to the Summer Term within Year 1!


This term in Maths we will be looking at addition and subtraction facts within 10, numbers from 0-20, recognising coins and describing the position and direction of an object.

We will also be exploring numbers to 100, measuring items using cubes and a ruler as well as telling the time using o' clock and half past.


In English we will continue to improve the children’s punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting skills.

This term we will be looking at four different texts. These include: 'Creature Features', 'Don't Spill The Milk', 'Augustus and His Smile' and 'The High Street'.

These texts will allow us to explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, new and interesting vocabulary as well as different authors and illustrators. 

We will continue to complete a spelling test every Friday. There will also be frequent reading practice sessions so please ensure that your child is reading every night to help develop their confidence, fluency and understanding of the book.


The children will be looking at plants and seasonal changes.

Seasonal Changes

We will identify and sequence the four seasons, observing and describing the weather associated with each season. Looking at weather around the world and understand how day lengths change.


We will identify and name common wild and garden plants including evergreen and deciduous trees and draw and name the basic structure of common flowering plants. 

Foundation Subjects:


The children will be looking at ‘Animals and their Habitats’. Throughout this unit of work the children will be:

  • naming and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans
  • using world maps, atlases and globes to identify countries, continents and oceans
  • describing different animal habitats around the world
  • understanding why some animals migrate
  • using geographical vocabulary


The children will be looking at ‘Great Inventions' particularly transport. We will be focusing on:

  • what transport is and how transport has changed overtime
  • different types of transport
  • the first aeroplane
  • why the Wright Brothers were famous
  • what the Rainhill Trials were and why they are still remembered today

The children will be working in three dimensions to make birds, taking our inspiration from the artist Alexander Calder. This is a sculpture project beginning with making drawings from observation, exploring media, and transforming the drawings from 2D to 3D to make a bird. We will use a range of materials creatively to make a 3D bird sculpture.

Design Technology.
We will be looking at textiles. The children will be making and joining templates. They will understand how simple 3-D textile products are made, using a template to create two identical shapes. They will understand how to join fabrics using different techniques and explore different finishing techniques.

During the first half term we will be looking at digital writing. The children will develop their understanding of the various aspects of using a computer to create and manipulate text. They will become more familiar with using a keyboard and mouse to enter and remove text. The children will also consider how to change the look of their text, and will be able to justify their reasoning in making these changes. Finally, learners will consider the differences between using a computer to create text, and writing text on paper. They will be able to explain which method they prefer and explain their reasoning for choosing this.

In the second half of term, we will be looking at programming animations. The children will be introduced to on-screen programming through ScratchJr. Learners will explore the way a project looks by investigating sprites and backgrounds. They will use programming blocks to use, modify, and create programs. The children will also be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms. 


This term in RE we will begin by finding out about Christianity and Islam. We will listen to stories and discuss different sacred places. We will look at similarities and differences between different places of worship. We will also be thinking, talking and asking questions about different beliefs.

In Music this term we will be using our imagination and exploring stories in the contexts of pop and classical music through the topics ‘Imagination’ and ‘Reflect, rewind and replay’. We will learn to sing ‘Imagination’, play instruments within the songs, improvise using voices and instruments, compose our own music and share and perform what we learn.


In PE we will be learning how to develop the ability to apply simple principles of attack vs defence, with a particular focus on creating simple tactics in order to win the game as well as develop an understanding of how, where and why to attack and defend in a game. Also, we will develop our agility, balance and coordination, understanding what they mean and why they are important.

When the temperature is correct, we will also continue to develop our swimming skills; learn about water safety, work on improving our confidence in the water, different strokes and breathing techniques.

In PSHE the children will be looking at Health and Wellbeing. In the first half term we will be discussing what it means to be healthy and why it is important. We will also look at healthy and unhealthy foods, basic hygiene routines.

In the second half term we will be recognising what makes us special, who to speak to when we are finding things tricky, different kinds of feelings and why rules keep us safe.


In Year 1 we ask you to continue to support your child’s learning by listening to your child read their Little Wandle book. We also recommend that you enjoy reading and discussing a longer, high-quality text to your child.

Mrs Searle and Miss Ryder


This Year’s Curriculum

Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map

If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.